Thursday, July 31, 2008

More politics

As much as I love politics, I am getting sick and tired of the craziness that is going on this year. Everything that the candidates say is scrutinized to no end and none of it is going to get the country going in the right direction. I am especially sick of the radio talk show hosts like Boortz, Limbaugh, and Hannity using their show to talk all about Obama and then say that it's the "mainstream-liberal" media that is giving Obama too much air time. If these guys are so conservative, why don't they talk about what "their" candidate is going to do for the country instead of Obama's so called past ties to crazy "extremist"?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

LIfe Change

Well I've taken a new step in my life and decided to get my MBA. I'm hoping that this will open up some new doors in my career. Let's hope that some things start happening because my Bachelors didn't seem to do anything special.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

What is Presidential Experience?

I keep hearing a lot of people (including myself) say that Obama doesn't have enough experience to be President. My question is this, What job could you possibly have that could give you the experience to make decisions that will affect the entire United States and people in other countries? I do think that McCain has more "political" experience, but does being a politician for 20 years make you more qualified than other people to be President? Let me know what you think.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Well, well, well, the NBA Finals FINALLY start tonight, after close to a week of the Divisional playoffs being over, and as I'm sure many of you know, it's between two great and legendary teams ( L.A. Lakers and Boston Celtics). GO BOSTON!!!! As with everything that's going on in America right now, it's going to come down between youth (Lakers) and experience (Boston). As you can see I'm pulling for Boston. I lived in Connecticut for a year and got caught up in the New England sports fan fair. So yes, I am also a Boston Redsox fan, although when it comes to football, I don't claim any loyalties except for #52 Ray Lewis on the Baltimore Ravens. I've always been a fan of his for some reason. Now that I've gone off subject slightly, let me get back to the NBA. I think this round of playoffs is going to the limit of 7 games. The determination of Kobe winning a ring without Shaq vs the determination of K.G. to finally get a ring will spark both of their teams to play their hearts out. I'm sure both players have given their teams the necessary speeches and all the plays have been gone over, so now it comes down to the execution. May the best team win - Again I say GO BOSTON!!!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hello World

I have to tell you right off the bat that I love politics. I just finished watching all three Presidential candidates speak and I have to tell you that I am really not impressed by any of them. I guess after tonight (6/3/08) we are down to two, McCain/Obama and I can honestly say that I still have no clue who I'm going to vote for. I like Obama simply because he is new and I desperately want some fresh blood in the White House. I like McCain because I really do believe that America is in a place that it has never been and I do think we need someone with experience to guide us through. I'm going to have to think about this one REAL hard.