Saturday, September 25, 2010

Relationship Question

I was talking to a group of people while watching football at a sports bar and we got on the topic of relationships. There were a lot of comments being floated around and the one that stuck out to me was, "I'm still in love with my husband, I just regret marrying him." That seemed like a weird statement to me. Is it possible to be in love with someone and regret being in a relationship with them? I thought I heard it wrong so I asked the lady to repeat it and sure enough, that is what she said. So I ask anyone who reads this, can you be in love with someone and regret marrying them? In my opinion, you can't. To be "in love" means that you are giving your all to a person and you accept them for who they are (good, bad, & indifferent). I'm curious to hear other people's thoughts. Let me know how you feel about this.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Checking on old friends

I've been on this kick to look old friends I went to high school with. I'm not exactly sure why. I've heard that a lot of people I went to school with didn't turn out so well, so I guess I just want to see if the people I was "close" with are doing good. We had this one guy that I believe could have made it in professional sports. He was a phenom. He was a star running back, terrific at baseball, and wasn't cocky about it. He was fun to hang around and I can't remember one person in school that disliked him. During our senior year, he started hanging around the wrong crowd and smoking weed. One of his new compadres laced his joint with angel dust and the rest is history. He ultimately dropped out of school and the last I heard, he was in and out of jail. That was the start of the downhill slide for my graduating class. I think I've heard of a couple of other people that got hooked on drugs and it is really disappointing. Facebook has really helped to get back in touch with a lot of my graduating class and it does seem that everyone on their is doing good for themselves. Granted that's like 45 out 100+ people. I want to reach out to some other people, but I don't want to look like one of those crazy stalker people who reaches out ask how's everything going and then never say anything to them again. I've had that happen to me a couple of times when I was in the Navy. I guess I will just go for the "crazy" reach out and see how people respond. Let me know what you think...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Can a married person flirt?

I've been watching Nip/Tuk on Netflix and I have to say that I really like the show. I'm on season 5 and the last episode I watched got me thinking. If you are married and you have a friend at work that you flirt with, is that wrong? This same discussion came up on Cosmo radio (Sirius/XM radio) and the responses were all over the place. I will admit that I am married, if you didn't know, and I have had what you could call a "work wife." We both knew our place and there wasn't any emotions involved, but we went to lunch together, talked about work issues, politics, work gossip, etc. Once work was over, we didn't email, text or call each other. We would always look at the schedule to see if we were working together and if for some reason we were on different days, we were disappointed. We didn't do anything to change shifts, we just worked the days as scheduled. So I guess my opinion on this topic is if both parties understand the boundaries a little flirting is harmless. I am open to hearing other opinions. Feel free to let me know what you think.