Thursday, July 31, 2008

More politics

As much as I love politics, I am getting sick and tired of the craziness that is going on this year. Everything that the candidates say is scrutinized to no end and none of it is going to get the country going in the right direction. I am especially sick of the radio talk show hosts like Boortz, Limbaugh, and Hannity using their show to talk all about Obama and then say that it's the "mainstream-liberal" media that is giving Obama too much air time. If these guys are so conservative, why don't they talk about what "their" candidate is going to do for the country instead of Obama's so called past ties to crazy "extremist"?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

LIfe Change

Well I've taken a new step in my life and decided to get my MBA. I'm hoping that this will open up some new doors in my career. Let's hope that some things start happening because my Bachelors didn't seem to do anything special.